Originally Posted by jamesqf
So why are so many Americans still paying such a large fraction of their incomes for gas? Surely anyone but the terminally ignorant has seen this coming for years - decades if you go back to the Arab oil embargo of the '70s. Is it just that they refuse to deal with reality? And if so, why should I sympathize?
You should see all the terminally ignorant trailer dwellers that seemingly have nothing to do all day and night but drive their mud trucks all over town. I presume the trailer courts weren't their first choice (could be wrong tho') and they are there because of modest budgets... while simultaneously thinking nothing of putting 200 miles/day on in a 9mpg vehicle. Gas must be about 85% of their budgets.

Then again, the rich guys are doing the same thing, except in Yuck Ons and Escapades... cuts across all strata.