Originally Posted by Frank Lee
You should see all the terminally ignorant trailer dwellers that seemingly have nothing to do all day and night but drive their mud trucks all over town. I presume the trailer courts weren't their first choice (could be wrong tho') and they are there because of modest budgets... while simultaneously thinking nothing of putting 200 miles/day on in a 9mpg vehicle. Gas must be about 85% of their budgets.  Then again, the rich guys are doing the same thing, except in Yuck Ons and Escapades... cuts across all strata.
Around here in some areas you can actually see the difference in the number of vehicles and the type on the roads. When gas prices dropped the hogs came out of the sty. Now you see lower traffic volumes, maybe 25% and a larger number of smaller sedans and economy cars. You also see average speeds dropping from the normal 10 MPH over the limit, no matter what it is.
Cute little blonde in a red Jeep blew by me coming back from a show Saturday. She had pole position just about 1 mile before the flashing blue lights popped on behind her. The cop had just passed me while I was doing 55MPH.
I guess as the normal speed of traffic drops with higher fuel prices here, the gendarmes need to be more aggressive in enforcement to put some coin in the coffers. Heck they could ride in my car and fall asleep.