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Old 02-28-2012, 01:36 AM   #29 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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the cylinder is only partly full at idle. This is why the engine is at idle. if it were at WOT, the pressures inside the cylinder would be much higher, and the engine would be trying to accelerate.

My argument is it takes energy to create a change in pressure. If we run a compressor, with a leak, and the compressor is running, are you arguing the compressor is not using energy to compress the air which is leaking out?

Likewise, an intake manifold. We have a change in pressure, with a leak called the idle valve. We use energy to maintain that change in pressure.

If the leak were to stop, we could create a perfect vacuum, and energy needed would drop towards zero.

Some of us learn by arguing. Nothing personal. And I'm not TRYING very hard to be obtuse. It comes naturally to me.
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