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Old 02-28-2012, 06:19 AM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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In my section "Installation/configuration/debugging" I forgot to say that the entire system can be tested before installation on just one element (or variable power supply). Just need to wire all negatives and positives poles of the slave boards in parallel on the same supply, and wire normally the daisy chain between slave board. It's possible because I designed the electronic to have the communication between slave board working even if slave board are on same ground potential (not possible on Elithion for example).

Very useful to simulate a true installation without having multiple elements en series, but just one power supply. Thus it also permits to verify that all slave elements gives exactly the same measured voltage and then precision is really in tolerance.

For the price, I just received a new quotation for the board manufacturing, within 60Km from house this time, very good new, it is less expansive than the first, and now I can propose the slave board for ~10$ !
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