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Old 02-28-2012, 02:57 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave View Post
That too, but I did mean to say fuel economy regs. They're worthless IMO. Everybody goes out any says, "This is good for consumers because consumers want fuel economy." Well, the truth is that cusumers already want fuel economy and are willing to pay for it (at least somewhat)--unlike emissions. If a manufacturer can make a vehicle that gets better mileage at the same cost as their competitor, they'll sell more and make more money. Manufacturers already have the ability to increase fuel economy--it's just that it increases the cost more than the consumer would like to pay. All the regs do is force the customer to accept a more costly vehicle than they otherwise would.

(getting down off soapbox...)
You must be making a sideways reference to CAFE. What regulations do you think are imposed by law that add cost to a car in the name of fuel economy?
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