Originally Posted by mrbigh
A very realistic idea would be to go modular for add on specific and complex features.
It's exactly this way I see things
Originally Posted by mrbigh
The function of pre-charge and main contactor handling is better handled by the motor controller by itself, don't bother.
If your concept of battery monitoring system is simple and straight forward, would be better.
Yes, they actually implements this feature because precharge is mandatory and it simplify the user reflexion about that, but logically it's not the job of the controller to do that.
But you are right, today all controller manage precharge, thus it's not mandatory to implement it on the BMS.
But to really have a generic platform, in the case of a true calculator managing all the EV instead of just a BMS board, my idea is to have a generic calculator with multiple input/output, and each one can be configured between some function. It can be for example :
- Contactor/relay output, with pwm possibility to ajust the contactor voltage and burst/continuous current
- Analog input (current sensor, temperature, throttle, brake, etc...)
- Analog output ( to pilot the controller for example)
- Digital input (various type switch, speed signal,...)
I think more the board is generic, better it is, because with software the calculator can be integrated easily in all EV and propose powerful functionality.
Originally Posted by mrbigh
It can be made more attractive with a large display connection on a VGA type of signal and better yet, touch sensitive control interface(USB)
Final customer choice of equipment, this monitors (7" and 8") are vast and very economic today days.
Hum why not, it's a good idea, have you a link on this kind of display ?
From my side I was considering raw TFT screen + touchpanel, with integrated driver/framebuffer, we can now found very nice thing for very low price. Just need to add the backlight management (easy), and a LVDS serder to deport the microcontroller bus on the display with standard twisted cable as an ethernet cable.
Originally Posted by mrbigh
The small 4 line LCD modules are VERY difficult to read in a moving vehicle.
Just my 2 cents.
Hum, I think that we can just say that these king of screen are really really unusable for this usage

And a "big" graphical black/white display is more expensive that a beautiful color TFT screen !!!