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Old 02-29-2012, 09:44 AM   #57 (permalink)
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My point is.

In my life I have met a few people whose knowledge was astounding. I have met people whose educations were some of the best in the world. One example was a friend who works for NASA. He has a degree from MIT, a Doctorate in Theoretical Aerodynamics.
Not sure what his IQ was but I would bet it was in the top .1% of humanity.

His therapy was to come out to the auto repair shop and put on a greasy set of coveralls and work on his cars, or to help with customer problems. When I got in a nasty car wreck, just after buying the shop, and was fairly badly injured, he took off a week to come out and help in the shop while I recovered. Never asked for a dime.

My point is while he could easily have taken the position of "I am the superior intelligence and you all should bow down to my obviously higher intellect", in fact he did the exact opposite. His best character trait was his ability to explain something to me in a way that I did not need to spend 6 years at MIT to understand what he was talking about.

I bought the shop from him and two of his partners. The shop was going bankrupt and could not even cover the salaries and tax deposits due to the IRS and state. That's a Felony charge people.

I ran the shop successfully for 14 years before I sold it, so you could argue that my abilities in that narrow context were superior to his. I succeeded where he had failed.

So who was the superior intellect? I succeeded at running a business that he failed at running.

I really don't know or care who was the superior intellect. I know his was astounding, and doubt in his field I would have been the least bit competitive, so he won that example.

So you are really really smart, that's admirable, but can you explain something to a person who does not have the background of education that you have achieved?
That my friends is the most admirable trait of all, not the ability itself, but the ability to share your (self perceived) vastly superior knowledge with another human being is such a way that THEY
benefit from your intellect, while not making them SUFFER from the experience, due to YOUR perceived superiority.

No one here knows me well enough to make that assumption, and I refuse to assume that any member here is more or less smart than I am. It's really more a matter of knowledge, intelligence, and environment that provides one with greater education than the other, but that circumstance, in and of itself, is NOT the deciding factor in any rational comparison of intelligence.

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