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Old 02-29-2012, 10:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
wheel_of_steel's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 15

Piglet - '95 Hyundai Excel (Accent) Sprint
90 day: 39.85 mpg (US)
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Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I know it can get a little tedious welcoming hoardes of new members, especially with the amount of traffic that this forum gets.

MetroMPG, I've been reading about the MPGuino and it certainly looks the goods. I was considering making my own rudimentary monitoring circuit by clamping a duty cycle monitor on an injector wire, but this looks like a better and more complete application.

cfg83, you should get their catalogue. It makes for hours of fun browsing and scheming. My avatar is a dustbunny armed with toothpick and bottlecap shield.

mcrews - The atmosphere is great here. Don't tempt me to make my posts any longer though, I swear I could write an essay about nothing.

and thanks larrybuck, I certainly will be reading everything I can!

So, I don't have any economy updates yet, but I'll be assembling my 02 monitor kit this weekend. To prevent making a thread about potentially nothing, I just want to clarify something about coast and burn, and DWL.

-The premise of coast and burn is to operate the engine at a lower BSFC over the course of a journey - by accelerating at higher-than-cruise load, then coasting down for free.

-Driving with load is aimed at maintaining high levels of manifold vacuum at all times, or setting load/mpg targets

Don't we have a clash of concepts? CAB seems to welcome higher load levels (within closed loop operation), whereas DWL encourages the engine to be as lightly loaded as possible.

I'd imagine that you just get diminishing returns from increasing your manifold vacuum during the 'burn' periods - a 10 second burn might use 20 MPG whereas a 20 second burn might use 25 MPG? These are just example numbers but I hope that conveys my point. I'd like to see what the members with scangauges can say about that one.

Also, is CAB driving meant to be sensitive to hills? For example, do you just set an upper (turn engine off at this point) and lower (kick start engine again) speed limit and just drive according to that? Or do you set a maximum load for your burn periods, or a minimum MPG value, or burn until you reach a downhill, or set a burn time?

If these questions have been asked before with different phrasing, I apologise. I'm doing my best to absorb's wisdom.
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