Good news Kingsway. I also change gears when most efficient to do so (around 1800-2000RPM in my car) so I'm in 5th at 30MPH and being so freewheeling I don't have to apply much power to maintain that speed.
I don't yet have energy saving tyres but I do get good part-worn tyres to replace the old ones. This save a huge amount of money over time as I treat them well and they last as long or longer than new ones if properly maintained and inflated.
It's been a comparatively mild winter so didn't go for the grill block. You'll have to tell me (or show me) how you did yours. I have a spare in the house somewhere that I can modify.
And you're right, the real number 1 fuel-saving method is driving style, it makes such a dramatic difference. Would be good to swap stories and mods. I bought replacement components for my entire suspension to fully adjustable coil-overs for less than the price of 1 original VAG shock!
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.
Peter Drucker