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Old 03-02-2012, 03:05 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Precisely. I always wondered why when emissions regulations began with PCV (1963) and air injection (1969) why they just didn't focus on efficiency that was integral with the engine design and fuel delivery system, but I guess that would make too much sense.

Instead we got the govt tail wagging the manufacturers dog, a certain recipe for disaster. Show me a govt bureaucrat who understands even the most basic engine technology. Even today you still have design by committee, which would not be so bad if the committee had any practical knowledge, and total allowable emissions were weighed as a sum of the parts, which would allow marginal designs to continue in development and refinement.

I knew lean burn under light loads resulted in lower peak temps. My 94 VX even today produced less CO2 than any current hybrid on the market.

Throttle control using egr volume would have come a long way as well.

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