I've gone through so many dashed hopes with my JDM VX engine swap into a Canadian CX.
This is what I've done; got the proper exhaust manifold with cat, brand new NTK 5 wire O2 sensor, cleaned the injectors, new rotor, plugs, air filter, put on EGR valve with solenoid and constant vacuum valve, had the O2 sensor wired into the PO7-AO1 ECU, today I took out the 2nd CX cat under the engine, tomorrow I'll put in a new fuel filter. When my mechanic played with the fuel pressure the code 48 engine light took longer to come on (45 seconds), with higher pressure than lower fuel pressure, but I can't get it not to come on! My mechanic told me that when it throws a code 48 (lean air fuel), the ECU goes into a default setting which is giving me bad gas mileage and terrible emission numbers for our mandatory Canadian emissions test.
Can anybody please help me? give me suggestions?,
We've triple checked the wiring, but the EGR solenoid and constant vacuum valve aren't the stock ones.
I've got to figure this out, I'm going crazy!