That is so awesome. I can see how front and rearwheel steering can be twitchy though and i do see problems with regaining control on ice. I think the Autocycle is the best way to get around steering issues; with only three wheels on the ground at any one time it avoids having to use the rear wheel to steer. You could use front wheel steering only if you have outrigger wheels like a shopping carts though.
I read in the Pulse Autocycle website that an enclosed motorcycle can be as much as 10 times more aerodynamic than an open cycle and its driver. I see some people on here are approaching 100mpg with fairings on open bikes, but i think so much more can be gained in aerodynamics. Ive had some thoughts on how you could overcome the issues of enclosed motorcycles in DIY low tech ways (of which the diamond wheel pattern was one). The major issues i see are the increased area in sidewinds and stabilization of the motorcycle at stops.
Correct me where i'm wrong.
To counteract sidewinds would lengthening the wheel base help? I think the problem with the motorcycles and scooters that are being modded is that they weren't designed for the amount of force sidewinds can impart on a streamlined bike. Especially in scooters, they are much to squirrelly, when what you want is a longer cruising bike where side winds would impart less force to steering.
For stabilization at stops i would start with a standard vetter bike with a faired in nose and a boat tail, but extend a canopy from the hips on up so you have a fully streamlined top half instead of the big gaps in the current design. Constructed of foam with a plastic finish and a cockpit like windscreen. It would hinge from the front like a hatch to enter and be designed to break away on impact. The leg area would have front and rear fairings. I think the top half is causing the most drag loss because the human back is impractical to partially fair in. In a motorcycle posture where the human back changes angles, the tail presents a spoiling blunt front end.
Or a fully enclosed motorcycle with a "wing" sidecar like stabilization wheel. Kind of like an aerodynamic football shape that acts like a sidecar but is small and weighted and carries limited cargo.
I wish i could draw some pictures to show you exactly what i mean.
Last edited by sheepdog 44; 03-02-2012 at 11:23 PM..