Originally Posted by Olympiadis
I have been doing that for a very very long time, but it is irrelevant to this discussion of efficiency.
Please define "doing this". If you mean thinking about it all, then I'd probably concede.
If you mean trying stuff, then I doubt your comment.
A good tune can absolutely increase gas mileage measurably. And a "good" tune is relatively easy.
A good tune is NOT just leaning out the mixture by "adding oxidizer". If you desire added "oxidizer", increase throttle opening of lean out the mixture.
A lean mixture only burns faster then an efficient mixture right on the ragged edge of detonation due to the free radicals. It is pretty hard to count on running this unless you take into effect the humidity, subtle variations in coolant temp in the head, history of load (affecting head temperature), oil temperature, and piston crown temperature. All this is pretty hard to measure, and no one to my knowledge goes to this extreme.
As a favor, could you summarize your responses - I'm willing to continue discussions, but your posts could be shortened and still contain the same information.