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Old 03-04-2012, 01:07 PM   #16 (permalink)
Ken Fry
A Legend in his Own Mind
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...sniff, sniff -- do I smell Unicorn "dung" in the air here?
Yes, we need a bigger exhaust fan.

About 2 years ago, I pretty well gave up the HHO debunking hobby, because I got tired of saying the same things over and over, and because it is hard to tell, online, who the real frauds are and who is just misinformed. I have no problem with slicing and dicing the real frauds, but have always been patient with the misinformed people.

So I started this thread at CR4, addressing most of the common proposed reasons for why HHO "works". After the FTC suit against Dennis Lee, the number of HHO posts on CR4 fell to almost nothing. But the enthusiasts seem to show up here periodically.

Every now and then, some self-styled genius shows up with more of the same old, same old, same old, thinking his take is "the answer" for how the magic of how these units "work". Every time, without exception, they cannot produce an independent test that shows that the unit has a beneficial effect. Every time. Then, inevitably, they blame problems on academia, the EPA, big government, big oil, science, the messenger, etc etc. Invariably, the promoter makes personal attacks and fails to come up with a single number or test result.

Just get the EPA off our backs and we could all be driving around in cars fueled by magic.
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