No, they can't do the math. I've said it repeatedly that the cost of fuel for most people is emotional more than anything else. People have no problem spending insane amounts of money on coffee, lunch and designer crap, but gas freaks them out.
My cousin tools around in a Toyota 4Runner and is the first to whine about gas prices. I asked him why he needs such a big vehicle when he tows nothing and rarely has passengers, and he says because he likes trucks, and to sit up high. I told him to buy a smaller car and his response was "Why should I have to? This isn't a 3rd world country, this is America!" Well in America, you can have whatever you want as long as you can pay for it. Cheap gas is not a right! He was even toying with the idea of buying a moped to get around, and keeping the 4Runner! I told him he wouldn't save a dime unless he got rid of the 4Runner. He insists he would, despite still having to make payments on the Toyota, keeping it insured and serviced etc. Since motorcycles aren't practical as a person's only means of transportation, he would never be able to use one to save money, not to mention that the safety risk isn't worth it for most people. I think he needs a calculator too!
Despite the fact that my four banger is EPA rated 21/30 (new ratings), it doesn't make sense for me to sell it for another car. I'm constantly considering which car will be my next (right now I'm interested in the 00+ 5spd Civic HX), but I'm not going to buy anything until either my Chevy suffers a catastrophic failure, is involved in a serious collision or gas hits two digits. To me, green is the stuff in my wallet. Payback period is king.
I think the OP threw in the flux capacitor thing for comedic effect. I'm pretty sure he knows what it is.