Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Since you are looking to build a from scratch chassis, why not go for all the efficiency you can? Aero drag is a huge contributor to energy loss, and it is a total loss, always.
I didn't mean this so much to be a "design" as a "concept" intended to express the idea of combining "two parts".
It is a format to learn by, explore and maybe a leaping point. I have much prettier cars, this is just a test mule.
One test is the rear, and to see if what I did works and why. If it works (wing aside), can it, should it be done to other cars with benefit?
Examples below of applying this principal to other cars. The goal is not to make them prettier, but to aid in lowering drag. I know they have "stuff" back there (like an engine), just taking "form" here.
Is this form, serving a function?
Automobile 2 - Odds and Ends pictures by kach22i - Photobucket
Automobile 2 - Odds and Ends pictures by kach22i - Photobucket
Industrial Design - Transportation pictures by kach22i - Photobucket
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