Commuter recommendations (compromise between safety and efficiency?)
Hello everyone,
I thought I'd save my official first post introduction until I've purchased a car. I'm on the hunt for a daily driver, my 02' F350 isn't the most efficient way to get one person to work and back. My commute is about 20 miles each way, mostly 55mph rural mountain roads. I've increased my fuel economy in my truck about 20% by playing with the hypermiling tips I've picked up on this website... I ordered an ultra gauge and am looking forward to playing with that.
As much as I'd love a metro that gets 60mpg, I really want something that offers a significant level of crash protection. I don't want to turn this into a big vs. small car argument, but you can't get around physics. So, where do I find the perfect balance between efficiency (that 60mpg metro) and safety (my wife’s huge land cruiser)?
I'd like to spend between $2500 and $5000, and I'd really like to buy an American car. I'm drawn to the SOHC 5spd 01'-02' Saturn SLs with optional side airbags. They're efficient, but I feel that they may be a bit small in a crash. It’s hard to find a larger car with a manual transmission, which poses its own challenges with regards to maximizing FE. I've heard of people getting respectable mileage out the 3.8L Buicks... thoughts?
Any recommendations? Thanks!