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Old 03-08-2012, 07:33 PM   #20 (permalink)
Ken Fry
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Originally Posted by Olympiadis View Post
The radical progressives always out themselves with this tactic when they are unable to functionally engage in a truly scientific discussion, due to their being unable to back their claims by the correct use of unbiased reason, their unwillingness to embrace the traditional scientific method, and their profuse use of claims/counter-claims without verifiable and reproducible factual support.
I imagine that are many radical progressives who do not "out themselves" with this tactic. Ghandi was a radical progressive, and was not known for ridiculing others. Perhaps "always" is not the word you'd intended?

This whole exposition on your views of the use of ridicule seems out of place here, in that it is hard to find radical progressives on this forum: you are preaching to the choir. Several studies have suggested that liberals and progressives tend to be more interested in science and the scientific method than conservatives are. This tendency goes back many centuries. Do you have articles or studies that support your case that progressives are less likely than others to support scientific method?

And what is the connection between your attack on radical progressives and the efficacy of HHO?
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