Love'n a Lumina, low expectations. just wait, once you get out of college and a job. My Malibu which is nice step above my dads 93? 6000 STE, my wife's Impala, is 3x times better ride and gets better hwy MPG. Do what you can, pump up the tires, adjust you schedule as you can. It's tough with city driving to really evaluate how the car's really running.
You could take it for a run down the highway and see what it does HWY at 55, if it doesn't beat epa HWY maybe something wrong, most likely O2 sensors or brakes. How's the tail pipe look, black soot is bad.
Make some personal ajustments, track a few more tanks, see what you can do without spending any money. The biggest gains are free. Check your front brake rotor temps once you get to school by feel, do both feel the same temp. One hotter is a symptom of brakes dragging. As hoses get old they can restrict the return of fluid and cause the caliper to drag.
My 30 yo year younger brother lives over there, idiot bought a 2012 Focus tititanium, nice car, but not 26k nice. I wasted 26.6 k once on a Montero, then a 19k Suburban, guess you have to learn for yourself, some times it takes 2 mess ups in a row. Learn from other people as you can, you'll be ahead.