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Old 03-09-2012, 09:06 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by drmiller100 View Post
so what kind of mileage do you expect? Remove half the tires, drive it down the freeway at reasonable speeds, and you will probably see something as high 7 or 8 like every other semi truck out there running empty.

if you want better mileage, raise the compression. raise the fuel pressure, and update the injectors to something from at least the 80's or so.
Originally Posted by bandit86 View Post
Your problems are tires; They are low pressure to float over terrain ecause it is a pain to offroad 14 tons without sinking. Impossible. Get highway truck tires and maybe rims and you will see huge improvements. Also the old engine won't help, takes a lot of power to drive 4 differentials, huge transmission. A smaller engine would save you 2000 pounds
Agreed, tires and the drivetrain have the most parasitic losses, that's the part I will focus on. The engine will still be mostly inefficient, so probably the best way to raise efficiency is swapping it for something smaller and modern (+alter the final drive ratio). Less weight will also support it's ability to swim

Originally Posted by Diesel_Dave View Post
I suppose we should also ask what are you actually doing with this truck. That may infulence things too. I assume you're not driving this back and forth to work. Are you hauling stuff with it? On highway? Off road? Towing?
It's a project, so it will not see much use as a one-person-with-a-laptop or a heavy load transport. It will mostly carry it's own 14 tons, sometimes off-road, sometimes off-shore, but mainly on-road use is expected.
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