Originally Posted by yugomodder
Thanks for the input Aerohead!
I went ahead and modeled what I think you are describing as far as a nose extension.
Here is at 16 degrees from the ground.
Here is shortened up a bit
The 16 degrees looks a bit long, but it shouldn't really give any problems. It looks to me like I could lower the whole thing a bit and get rid of some frontal area where the tires are, but still build a good nose extension.
This last picture is of another design I was playing with before.

I'm not sure exactly how much aerodynamic benefit this design would have, but it seemed to give more room for batteries. Obviously building a nose extension is going to provide far more room though.
As far as wheel skirts, yeah I'm planning on outfitting it with wheel covers and rear wheel skirts. I don't think it'd be worth it to put front wheel skirts on it before it's more streamlined. Also yes all of these sharp edges would be rounded off significantly, it's just difficult to model that in google sketchup and still be able to change around the nose design.
Next thing would be to lengthen the boattail if I'm lengthening the front end.
The blunt nose is plenty good.If you have softened leading edges with a radius of around 80mm you should be okay separation wise.Laying
'back' the grille will direct air over the hood.The soft edges on the sides will let air bleed around there without separation.
Staying above the 16-degree line protects a wrap-around airdam/chin spoiler.
You can lengthen the boat tail without altering the front at all.You're just mimicing the fusiform design of fast fish,shark,dolphin,falcons,etc.,where the stream is deformed within the 1st 1/3rd of the body,then the last 2/3rds is used to settle it back down.
The further back you go,the closer you get to ideal flow.
Lookin' good!