Bottom rails are in. I ended up using 1" EMT conduit. Bent the conduit by hand just by bracing it and gently pushing down on it so it would curve. At least it's not straight. Lag bolt up front and a bolt in the back with a locking nut. Cut the EMT conduit at the end of the top rail.
Playing with one sheet of Coroplast...I tried putting the sides in from the bottom first.
I think doing it from the top first instead of the bottom will give me better results as far as folding and securing it. I only have 5 sheets left from my 2010 harvest...
Currently raining big time and it's putting my project behind...
I did check out some FRP at Home Depot and the price has dropped to about $28 fer a 4'x8' sheet. It's heavier than Coroplast and it surprised me how much heavier it was. Not sure I'm willing to make the jump to FRP yet. I might try some stretched cloth and polyurethane over the frame as a test medium. Not quite fiberglass...yet.