Been folowing your threads, nice truck, mines big enough, your's is next size up.
First thing is, particularly being a diesel, keep the mechanicals in good tune.
Payback period will always be a big question, so if you are going down this path, because it's what you like doing, not an issue, but if you are doing this because it is a financial decision, then you need to critically question the payback period.
I am dubious of the value of doing the big battery banks and electric motors, don't think you will see any return before the truck rusts out.
IMHO do the simple cheap things, like grille block, some underside smoothing, but primarily I think you need to see the king hit and the "Pickup" body is primed for a make over and there you will see a significant impact. There are plenty of examples of what others have done and the results achieved, this can be a relatively cheap project with a short payback period.
But before you do anything, you need to establish your current numbers, FE & coast down std, then as you make mods you will have something to compare to.
Is your's NA or Turbo, and if so do you have an intercooler (aftercooler) on it?