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Old 03-10-2012, 12:04 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Marc F. View Post
b) being behind a guy doing half the speed limit and unable to
pass for 30 minutes cuts my pay in half. period. how
would you feel if I came to your work place and cut your pay?
And yes this has happened to me several times. I didnt feel
that he needed to be "run over" but I though it would have
been nice for him to help me pass safely.

I am not saying that I am perfect, I have made bonehead moves in
traffic, I screwed up this week. Sorry, I'm human. But if you can
take a different route and let the trucks do their thing you might
consider it. A truck can only take certain routes.
The problem, IME anyway, is that truck drivers take this to some absurd extreme. It's like every single one expects a car in the right lane to be going faster than whatever speed they're at, which is anywhere from ~60mph to ~75mph, rather than pass. It's one thing to expect a driver to do 55mph (the posted speed limit for trucks in the state) instead of something like 27mph on the freeway, it's another to ride someone's rear-end because they aren't breaking the speed limit as fast as they want them to be.

A driver may be making slightly less if they have to go 55mph instead of 65mph for a few miles, but ion the flip side of the coin it's also unreasonable to expect a car to speed up and also pay more just so the truck driver can make more.
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