Homemade Potentiometer, ver. 0.99 beta
Well, I upgraded the string to 1/16" steel cable, coated in plastic. I changed the roll of electrical tape that was used to expand the diameter of the Pot post to a chunk of the wood off of our plunger. I drilled through the piece of the cylindrical wood and slid it onto the post. I used JB weld to hold it in place. Also, the plastic round sides are JB welded to the wood post. Then I drilled a hole through the wood and through the metal post of the pot, and put the steel cable through the hole, making it stick in the hole with lots of JB weld. It's drying right now. The spring I'm currently using is from my stapler. All the plastic is from a bucket. The wood is just a 2x3. The only thing I'm now concerned about is the durability of the Pot and the spring. But, I can easily get a strong flexible spring and I found some 5k Pots that are good for 5 million turns for like $30. We'll see, though. I'll post pictures once the JB weld dries.