Ha- it was spinning over pretty good. Gee I wish I had a 48 volt system! errrrrr.... Next time I'll get Cletus to gimme a tow up to 55 mph or so and then see if it starts/stays running.
We all know that 2 cylinder engines start, run, and work. I think if mine had more flywheel it would have gone. Or, if it had a 2 piston delete. Or an active deac system for high rpm deac.
rooster: I haven't seen it mentioned (or, I forgot

) about if the timing of the valve closing event is critical. I would think that since piston rings don't make a PERFECT seal, that cylinder pressure- or vacuum as the case may be- would reach some sort of equilibrium in short order. After all that piston will have gone up and down thousands of times in the space of one minute...