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Old 03-14-2012, 11:03 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Watching O2 output is almost useless, and watching STFT is completely useless, so don't even bother with those.

The LTFT is something you definitely want to watch. Keep in mind you change to different load cells with different stored LTFT values as you drive.

Block Learn Multiplier and Integrator

BLM (block learn multiplier) is the older original term for LTFT - long term fuel trim.

Being that you have a drop in SA (spark advance) going on, you want to keep an eye on KR - knock-retard if at all possible.
You should also try to monitor your EGR duty cycle.

If for some reason your EGR wasn't functioning, or was clogged, then you may be getting knock retard under certain driving conditions when the EGR becomes active.

Knock retard can also be caused by any number of mechanical rattles on the car, which can occur under certain driving conditions.
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