Originally Posted by renault_megane_dci
Actually, with their CDI and no proviso for a proper advance curve, most bikes are not tuned for rpm under 4K in the ignition departement so everything under 4K is not as efficient as it could (as it would have been in a car)
When I use my bike again (soon I hope), I'll do a tank always over 4K just to see if there is some to be gained
I thought about it pretty much, but never could actually try it.
Just for the record, "over 4k" would mean always being in the upper half of the rpm range with Teresa, as the limiter is at 7k or 7.5k (I don't really know what it depends on, speed, gear, mood, weather, constellations, perhaps...?), therefore I'm rarely over 4k. OTOH, under ~2.5k doesn't work either because of the definite complaints on her side (strange noises like pinging). So I use a pretty narrow range, which also makes engine braking kind of useless (except for some declines), so when I learned about coasting I embraced the idea wholeheartedly