Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Nice video.
EDIT: you'll likely catch grief in the video comments for pulse & glide. It's a hot-button for some people, but you know that already.
I know. The person who shot it already questioned that, but she thought the explanation was a bit long and complex to include.
I catch some grief for lots of stuff, but that's just the cost of stepping outside of mainstream, and then publicizing it. As long as I know I'm doing it safely, I can handle anonymous internet criticism.
Originally Posted by California98Civic
This is great. I'm struck by your description of your experience with the deep cycle batteries and the solar panel. That's a 15watt panel inside on the dash and it really can fully recharge two large RV deepcycle batteries in parallel? Where did you buy the batteries? How much time, from how deeply discharged can that smallish panel recharge them?
Not long after that video was made I started putting the solar panel on the roof whenever I park, which seems to have helped a lot. Even so, it takes several days of being parked in full sun to fully charge after a few hours of driving. I use the truck exclusively for hauling/moving jobs or jobs where I need to carry all my tools, and I only work a few days a week, so often that works out.
I rarely drive at night, so I don't need headlights, all my other lights are LEDs, and it is a diesel so there is no spark plug system drawing power. The main use of electricity are the brake booster and my stereo.
I bought the batteries at a local place that only sells batteries - I prefer to buy local anyway, but they were also about 50% cheaper than the same batteries at WalMart