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Old 03-16-2012, 07:04 AM   #66 (permalink)
Outside the Box
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: SW Ohio, Highland County
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The least reliable vehicle I have owned by far is my Dodge Ram. Every damn thing wants to break on it. I've replaced multiple calipers, front end (track bar goes bad immediately), lift pumps (goes bad in 20k miles), blower speed control resistor, door switches. The rear diff let loose a few bolts internally and chewed around in there messing up my speed sensor. Cruise control doesn't work due to bad speed sensor. Tranny is shot again. AC doesn't work. The steering wheel has 1/8th turn of play in it. Truck pulls to 1 side when I brake. Doors are about to fall off...
Mind if I ask what your ram is? You saw the service I got out of my 94 2wd. I was hoping the 01 would do the same. I did have replace the windows switches in the drivers door already on it. The 4x front ends are an issue though... if I can afford it I may re-engineer it to long leaf springs and get rid of the coils and linkage setup all together.

Upon talking to several 1 ton 4x owners of all three makes... the stock 85 series front tire is just to light I believe on all of them carrying the diesels. I'll be making changes in this regard too ...if I stay working.

Last edited by dem45133; 03-16-2012 at 07:16 AM..
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