Still wondering about the cabover length and will it affect the cd ?
I now have a copy of Hucho's book and I refer to his roof load info..Now it appears to me that if my camper overhangs the windshield even just a little as in #3 , it has a definite effect on the Cd.
So since I don't have the major panels fiberglassed together yet I thought I could move the side panels rearward and fill in the rectangles behind the cab and live with a slightly narrower bunk... and at the same time try to get a 5 degree roof angle as Yugomodder suggested. In blue below
I may also incorporate a small molded-in 10 or 12 degree Kammback on the rear if the rear door permits ( I need a drip edge anyway )
On a side note since I hope more people use this glass/foam method . I am on my last big piece and I found you don't need any clamps at all ...just duct tape. It works great in shear. And I didn't even use the 3M stuff .What you do need is a dead flat table which you can make out of old recycled hollow core doors from Habitat Restore joined together with biscuits (no glue) Use gauge blocks or a long straight edge to keep them straight and winding sticks to remove all the twist. Mine was 13' long at one point and setup takes only minutes .Works like a charm
Advice, comments and suggestions always welcome and thanks to all those who replied so far