Originally Posted by drmiller100
first, ethanol is lighter then gasoline, and injectors inject via volume, and stoich is normally measured by mass.
so if you squirt pure ethanol vs gasoline with an injector, you will find mileage is off about 20 percent, or, another way to put it, you need to squirt about 20 percent more ethanol then gasoline to make an engine run happy.
if it were truly 10:1 vs 14:1, your numbers would be 40 percent different.
my numbers are based upon personal experience with about 50 cars and LOTS of other people who have really tried it.
Ok. I was under the opposite impression. As I was understanding it, ethanol is denser than gasoline, but it contains about 30% less energy per volume. But, since you need ~40% more ethanol per volume of air (to maintain stoich), the ethanol would produce slightly higher amounts of power per a given amount of air intake.
I don't have any personal experience (obviously), but I am basing this on what I've read. One of the most complete sources I've come across at this point is here:
Converting to E85 (ethanol fuel) - Turbobricks Forums