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Old 03-17-2012, 11:44 AM   #56 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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Originally Posted by elgecko84 View Post
I don't hide the fact that I make money off of carpooling, I'm the one putting the miles on my car.

I charge each person $65 for the month and then subtract any days that I missed from the previous month.

I put the extra money in my car maintenance fund and they get to keep miles off their cars (which are much newer)
...I, too, actually made money from carpooling back when I worked at the Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, AZ. My little '72 1.6L Pinto was getting 36 mpg with four people aboard...of course, I'd "tweeked" a few things mechanically, like changing the axle from 3.55:1 to 3.18:1, added long-length header, front spoiler, and electronic ignition system.
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