Lead acid batteries just don't like to be discharged, I have lead acid batteries and am doing just fine, I have a 40 mile range and if I have to run a bunch of errands around town I can put on 20 miles in a day but most of the time it's 4 miles each way to work over some decent hills and I plug in at work, so I'm able to keep my lead acid batteries very happy, someone at our local electric auto club meeting the other day said that you can expect a lead acid pack to last around 3 years... I'm going to be starting out on my 3rd summer this year and I don't think I've lost any range yet, but like I said, keeping lead acid batteries happy is key, of course when it is time to replace them I hope to go with Lithium, but it looks like for my car that would cost about $4,000 to $6,000 at this time while lead acid was $900 and has gone up to about $1,200 last I checked.