Originally Posted by Ladogaboy
Sometimes, I'm just forced to ask why? Is it really so bad where you are?
That being said, I don't want to impose my values on you. However, physics isn't so kind. No matter what, you are going to pay a penalty for wanting to go faster. I'd say, given that the variables also include time, you should assess how much time would be saved by 55 mph versus 65 mph versus 75 mph etc. You said 5 hours, but that doesn't give us a good idea of distance. Are you saying roughly 300 miles? More? Less?
Anyway, in my opinion, you'll want to first assess how much time you're actually going to save by going 10 to 20 mph faster.
I agree with you 100%. In my normal life I don't go anywhere near the highway because it is a waste of fuel. I stick to secondary roads.
The place I'm moving to for work forces me into driving the way I've learned not to. The stretch of road in question has been said to be one of the most dangerous in the country, due to drugs and alcohol and excessive speed. I don't know if I'm going to believe the stories I've heard or not, but I'll find out when I get there.
I've got no issues with time, I just don't want to be a speed bump

In reality I will probably figure out what the slack times are, and travel when traffic is at it's minimum so that I can drive properly
