I recommend you not using it in your oil anymore due to the mineral spirits.
It is good for an engine flush, but not for continuous loading.
Solvents like mineral spirits will break down the oil film, and it doesn't take much.
It has the effect of thinning the oil. On high mile engines it also makes the blowby more volatile. Those two effects can/will increase fuel mileage, but it's not worth the expense of causing bearing or lifter/follower failure.
I couldn't say what concentration % of mineral spirits is enough to cause a failure, but I'm sure it's different for different engines and situations.
I have used mineral spirits on many occasions in several different ways.
You can put it in a sprayer and directly spray combustion chambers and pistons through the spark-plug hole. This will clean and often free-up piston rings that have either seized or have limited travel due to build-up.
Putting it in the engine oil is also a good way to clean the engine internally, but I only let the engine run at idle un-loaded, then change the oil.
I have added it to fuel on several vehicles as a cleaner for carburetors, TBI injectors, or MPFI injectors and fuel systems. It works well, but often has an effect similar to lowering of fuel octane, and that does improve mileage in many situations where the engine isn't heavily loaded.
I do not run it continuously in fuel so I don't have reliable mileage data.
In the vehicles that it improved the mileage in, Acetone has worked better, especially in cold conditions. For both additives the positive effect seems to be in proportion to how many miles are on the engine.
For example I could put some mineral spirits or Acetone in a brand new MPFI vehicle and get no significant measurable effect. On a vehicle with 200,000 miles the effects are very noticeable and easily measured.
I have test data for the Acetone, but like I said I haven't used mineral spirits or MMO on a continuous basis in order to collect mileage data. I buy the mineral spirits in the large metal containers from Lowes, and just use it as a cleaner.
*Mineral Spirits WILL dissolve lower grades of rubber over time. Acetone will do it even faster and has a wider range of materials that it will dissolve.
That is very interesting about the lean-burn mode and the sensitivity to the additive. Good discovery!