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Old 03-23-2012, 09:35 PM   #8 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: weaverville, california
Posts: 126

honda crx - '84 honda crx 1300
90 day: 55.83 mpg (US)
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okay, I kept looking at that front tire, and how it looked so much wider than the other tire. I pulled it off ,and weighed it. 29lbs. pulled the corresponding rear tire and weighed it. 26lbs. I put the wider rim on the rear. It seems to steer easier, and it is probably my imagination, but it seems to have more power. my stock rims are 4.5", I located another 4.5" rim , and am replacing the 175 70 13 tires with 165 70 13 tires monday. the larger rim was only .5" wider, but it sure looked out of place compared to the other rims.
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