Originally Posted by louisb323
At the rate things are going I'd fill it up for $45 now because next month it might cost $55 or more to fill it.
From my experience the cheapest stations in town are the Costco near Winchester & Ynez and the Shell near old town off Front St. (near the 15).
trikkonceptz, necessity is the mother of invention. Those European developments you mentioned did not happen over night and I am sure they went through just as many growing pains as the US is and will continue to experience for the next couple years. There was a point when we had every opportunity to purchase these fuel efficient (sub)compact cars, but Americans as a majority love their cars (the more power, the better) so there was no reason for the companies producing these cars in their domestic markets to fight an uphill battle trying to sell these putz cars (for lack of a better term). Even if you lack reliable/widespread public transportation in your area you can still socialize and network to find carpool partners, which will help you make new friends and take a few cars off the road.
Only people who aren't willing to try to do something better are caught behind the eight ball, I mean you already meet your goal of 40 mpg so why are you "crying" you've experienced first hand that there are things
you can do despite still having to rely on gasoline.