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Old 03-24-2012, 10:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bandit86 View Post
I know you can cook up bio diesel and veggie oil, all good stuff, but what else will diesel engines run on? Tractor hydraulic oil, engine oil, transmission fluid, powersteering fluid; I think these will work but the engine may no be happy in the long term

certain Ford diesels will run for a very long time on M85 if it is
1. Filtered
2. Cetrifuged
3. Engine is tuned for M85

Generally speaking, non-TDI diesels can physically run on WMO or WVO blends but it is only economically feasible if you
1. Have lots of free time
2. have unlimited free injectors and injector pumps.
I have noted a couple folks who would tear out injectors every few weeks on their old 6.2s, replace with a clean pair and clean out the engine and button up in about 4 hours.

The parts they had to use were free or reusable and it was only their time and tools.

A better approach in my oppinion is
How to turn plastic waste into diesel fuel cheaply - Page 5

which works on motor oil as well.

Why break your engine when you can make fuel that is closer to what belongs in the diesel to begin with?

Another alternative is to run CNG into the intake under specific load conditions, you can save about 50% of the diesel and use 50% CNG which is much less expensive than diesel.

Good Luck
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