Originally Posted by deathtrain
why limit yourself to a civic? why an auto? do more research n cars and dont limit yourself. I was looking for a geo when i came across my yota. Looking at my sig I made a good choice. welcome anyway.
i want to go with a civic because i know they are more reliable than other cars, maintenance and repairs are cheap, and i can find them everywhere i my price range. and i want an automatic as a dd because dont want to be shifting all the time. thats what my other car is for.
Originally Posted by hamsterpower
I think it was the 1988 hf but those are getting very rare and nearing the end of reasonable service life and parts availibility. Also, newer models have lower emissions and more safety features.
My advice, since your budget is set, do a search of local used cars at that amount and find the best you can get and not worry about the best ever. If all you really want is the best MPG for that money, have you concidered a motorcycle?
no motorcycle i have to go through snow for the winter season, and im looking for the best mpg and reliability in my price range.