Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
#2 Too high a speed limit. John and Jane Doe use the PSL as their minimum speed, so they get 28 mpg driving 75 mph v. 40 mpg driving 60 mph. That's a 42% FE loss because of the state's speed limit decision.
There's no legal requirement to travel at the speed limit, and certainly little pressure to do so on a multi-lane road.
In the UK for example the speed limit is 70 mph for most vehicles, but I would regard the lowest safe speed at 56 mph (Or more specifically 90 km/h). This is because this is the speed at which HGVs are limited to on the motorway in the UK. To go any slower would lead to lane changes from HGVs which while not illegal or immediately unsafe it is unnecessary for minimum FE improvement.