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Old 03-26-2012, 08:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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An amazing streamlining of a Jeep

Back in January I stayed at a hotel on a work related trip and saw this show called stuntbusters that I've never heard of before. (I don't have speed channel at the house)

It had a segment on aerodynamics and they coastdown tested a Jeep along side of a Prius in stock configuration,then they gave the Jeep this aerodynamic transformation to do another coastdown run against the Prius.

The way they conducted the runs,smoke test demo and what they said was kind of silly but the body work they gave the jeep is a work of art in my humble opinion.

Soon after I saw this show,I searched for more info on this and could not find a dang thing on the internet about it.

Last night I looked again and found a video of the episode.

I did my best to grab screen shots and make images out of it but my photo editing skills are limited so apologies if they show up really crappy.

Let me try:

Here they are installing the styrofoam nose cone:

Nose installed:

Here the tail being installed:

A couple of nose pics of the finished unit on the road:

Almost done side view:

Along side the Prius:
They also added some roof camber which is visible here.

A couple of side views:

And a tail view:

I think she is gorgeous!

Too bad the female host of the show felt that it was necessary for her to express her opinion about it in a comment like" it is not exactly stylish!"

I think it is a hell of a lot more stylish than the rolling brick stock form but it seems like the ecomodder is the rare breed and the beauty is in the eye of the beholder! (or something like that).

If you want to watch the whole episode online,here is the link to the video..below:

You will see the horizontal bar at the bottom of the video split up to four equal segments. If you want to skip right to the aerodynamic stuff, click right in the middle of the third segment!
Video - IMDb


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