Originally Posted by aerohead
In the images posted earlier for the railroad boat-tailed tailcar,all the boat-tailing was done in plan-view.
The length of the tail is 1.74X the body width for the full stinger.It's within 2.5% of the template,so it's going to just slide in between Mair's 22-degree,and Emmelmann's 23-degree max slope angle protocol for attached flow.The base drag is completely eliminated.Which would be the lion's share of road load for a light truck on the highway.)
length of the tail would then be 3.5 times the half a body width (two sides).
the arctan(3.5) is about 74, leaving the angle 16 degrees to the direction of travel.
My theory is there is theory, and what works in the real world. I think for the sides you have to run a shallower angle because direction of wind in relation to the car is a big deal, where when looking at the top of the car, you can run a steeper angle as teh top of the car doesn't care what angle the wind is.