Thanks to Ausias who tipped me off with this Cd study:
Lupos 0.25 Cd target starts to feel pretty plausible without chopping the roof

(added by MetroMPG, because these online files have a bad habit of disappearing...)
- START: MIRA wind tunnel showed a stock co-efficient of Drag (CD) of 0.288
- COOLING: vents, intakes, panel gaps taped on front end - Total Contribution: 9% of total Drag
- Underfloor:-Foamboard and tape -All components covered -Total Contribution: 7% of total Drag
- MIRRORS - door mirrors removed: -Total Contribution: 5% of total Drag
- Wheels and Wheel arches: Wheel Spoilers / spats; smooth wheel covers; Wheel Arch Blanking (rear fender skirts); Underfloor Wheel Arch Blanking
- Base pressure recovery (tailgate "box cavity")