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Old 03-29-2012, 10:18 AM   #109 (permalink)
Fat Charlie
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Al the Third, year four - '13 Honda Fit Base
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Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Due to the time, he probably though I saw him behind me and made the turn to loose em when it is just my route to work.
Once in the middle of the night I slowed down coming into town and then dropped the high beams because I spotted a cop sitting in a parking lot watching the road. Sure, he's hiding and I could have left them on to be a jerk- "I guess I didn't see you sitting there in the car, sorry about blinding you..." But hey, that poor slob is working in the middle of the night in Nowheresville, NH- dim the lights for the guy. He thought my slowing and dimming were uncoordinated reactions to seeing a cop, therefore I was drunk. He pulled out to follow me so he could stop me for something more concrete than a gut feeling. I immediately pulled over and parked in front of a store. Why screw around and get that light bulb or some other BS ticket? He almost went by me (no good reason to stop me yet) and then realized he could stop to see if I needed any assistance. I said no, but that the timing of his pulling out made it seem like he wanted to talk to me, and I figured sooner was better than later. I cheerfully cooperated (standing on one foot while dead tired, shivering and giggling at how stupid this is is hard) and after a couple minutes he told be that it was the best field sobriety test he'd ever seen and apologized profusely for wasting my time. I couldn't believe what I'd found: a hick cop in the middle of the night who was actually trying to keep the roads safe.

I figure the longer they follow you looking for something wrong, the more they are emotionally invested in "getting" you. It becomes less about their first gut feeling and desire to check it out, and ends up being about making something, anything stick.

Originally Posted by sheepdog44 View Post
Transmission type Efficiency
Manual neutral engine off.100% @MPG <----- Fun Fact.
Manual 1:1 gear ratio .......98%
CVT belt ............................88%
Automatic .........................86%

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