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Old 03-29-2012, 03:28 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Posts: 147

Silver Bullet - '86 Chevy Camaro Z28
90 day: 19.74 mpg (US)

New Blue - '96 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
90 day: 20.46 mpg (US)

Diesel - '96 Chevrolet Tahoe LS
Last 3: 13.56 mpg (US)

Tahoe #2 - '95 Chevrolet Tahoe LS
90 day: 13.05 mpg (US)

SuperDuty - '08 Ford F-350 dually Lariat
90 day: 9.34 mpg (US)

Fundai - '09 Hyundai Elantra
90 day: 26.45 mpg (US)

HRV - '17 Honda HRV LX
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
True - you shouldn't have to replace the car just to get better theft protection. DIY!
Totally agree with you man. In a strange way I like the car, love the mpg's, its been reliable since the overhaul, its just beat. I could DIY and add some anti-theft to it, kill switch, The Club, etc. And I'd kinda like the challenge of taking on the thiefs. However the car is pretty ratty looking, the rear glass leaks onto rear seats, interior is pretty beat, the wife hates riding in it, and we have a kid on the way... By the time I sink $300 into fixing what they broke/stole, and another couple hundred in anti-theft, I still have a tired rusty beater car. I've liked the early 00's Jetta TDIs for a long time, this might be my opportunity to get a respectable car and still get 40-50 mpg.

Not really sure what I'll do...

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