It's possible that you're picking up some high frequency noise that's faking out the electronics. If that's the case, you can try twisting the wires about one turn every two or three inches. If that doesn't do it, then you need shielded wire. And shared common returns are always bad.
06 Canyon: The vacuum gauge plus wheel covers helped increase summer 2015 mileage to 38.5 MPG, while summer 2016 mileage was 38.6 MPG without the wheel covers. Drove 33,021 miles 2016-2018 at 35.00 MPG.
22 Maverick: Summer 2022 burned 62.74 gallons in 3145.1 miles for 50.1 MPG. Winter 2023-2024 - 2416.7 miles, 58.66 gallons for 41 MPG.