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Old 03-30-2012, 09:44 PM   #9 (permalink)
Old Retired R&D Dude
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Woburn Mass USA
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Little Red - '12 Toyota Prius c 2 Two
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"Whitey" Bulger - '14 Toyota RAV4 LE
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I kinda like the 2012 Yamaha Zuma 50F

A four-stroke seems like it's going to get some good MPG..
They claim it can get 132 MPG!

Since the reviews show this scooter is amazing on hills, I'm pretty sure it could
be a good way to run out to pick up a Pizza or small stuff at the local market.
(~4 miles round trip).

2012 Yamaha Zuma 50F Home, information

If gas prices keep going up, I foresee a time when we have a situation where you can't even get gas without long lines etc..

Anybody test ride one of these yet??

Current ride: 2014 RAV4 LE AWD (24 MPG)

Wife's Pizza Transporter
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