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Old 03-31-2012, 02:10 AM   #27 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: United States
Posts: 25

F.O.R.D - '87 Dodge Dakota LE

Failure - '01 Toyota Corolla CE

Aveo - '07 Chevrolet Aveo LS
90 day: 36.87 mpg (US)
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Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Scangauge numbers beg to differ

If you switch over to gallons per hour(GPH) and MPG, if you have the cheap version, add throttle position and engine load if you have the better one - I dont :-(. Anyways, the more you press the pedal, the higher your GPH will go, regardless of engine RPM, it increases the amount of fuel injected into the cylinder. At no point, can 80% of your max fuel rate be better than 20%. Tomorrow i will be going up and down a particular hill that is perfect for testing, and will post my results, but i just cannot imagine that 80% throttle in high gear would be better than 20% throttle in a lower gear. If someone could elaborate for me, I may be able to avoid the 30C in gas it costs me to run the tests... I get 55MPG on my 2001 corolla 1.8L, so im not exactly in need of making changes, but it adds some spice to driving, I set a goal, and try to beat it for the day.
Also, whoever says that a radio will not affect gas mileage needs to go back to elementary school. I installed an amp, and now run my music louder, since i can without a loss of quality, and I can see and feel a drop in fuel economy when that amp turns on.
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