I've got numbers for the tank containing that high rpm experiment, and I unfortunately couldn't get any info out of the huge noise: the tank is over 400km long and the experiment was a mere 23km, after all. And the weather was changeable all the time, temps ranging from 0 to 22C (32-72F), wind from any possible direction sometimes with gusts over 50km/h ~ 30mph, and damp roads after rain one day. I also did a quite fast run on a (not) twisty (enough) road last weekend, with lots of pulses above my usual speed (which does not necessarily hurt, my best tanks were done on the superslab with numerous pulses up to 120-130km/h ~ 75-80mph and large delta).
All in all, I'm getting a very normal spring FE increase, this tank became 2.95l/100km ~ 79.8 mpgUS. Should it cover anything.
edit. on the belt: I feel lucky because I could arrange a slightly used one (good condition, lacking the cracks on mine) with an f650.hu member, I'll probably get it next Monday. It can be replaced during an advance "90k" maintenance and Teresa will be ready for Austria and Romania in May.
Last edited by alvaro84; 04-01-2012 at 02:16 PM..